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Log Streaming for Enhanced Security and Attack Vector Analysis


In the modern digital landscape, security is paramount, and one of the key components of a robust security posture is logging. Logging is the practice of capturing and storing events and transactions that occur within a system. These logs serve as a vital resource when it comes to security analysis. This article explores the significance of logging for security analysis, and how it contributes to creating a secure and reliable digital environment.

An Insightful Glimpse into System Activity:

Logging provides a detailed record of system activities, giving security professionals insights into what’s happening within a network or application. This data is invaluable in understanding the behavior of systems, identifying anomalies, and investigating suspicious activities.

The Pillars of Effective Security Analysis:


  • Timely detection is crucial in managing security risks. Logs help in identifying unusual activities or deviations from the norm, acting as an early warning system for potential security threats.


  • In the event of a security incident, logs serve as a forensic tool that helps in unraveling the sequence of events, understanding the impact, and identifying the root cause.


  • With a clear understanding of the incident, informed decisions can be made on how to respond. Logs provide the necessary data to tailor a response, be it isolating affected systems or blocking malicious IP addresses.


  • Many regulatory frameworks require logging and monitoring. Compliance with such regulations not only demonstrates a commitment to security but also helps in avoiding legal complications.


  • By analyzing logs, organizations can derive actionable insights to improve their security posture. This iterative process of analysis and improvement is fundamental in staying ahead of evolving threats.

Best Practices for Logging:

Comprehensive Logging:

  • Capture a wide range of data including login attempts, system requests, and network traffic to have a holistic view of the system’s environment.
  • You may need to stream logs from several different components of a host or device. For example, you may stream logs from the firewall application like IPTables, then the application running on the host like a SQL database, then the operating system the host is using like Linux.

Secure Storage:

  • Ensure logs are stored securely to prevent tampering. Access to logs should be controlled and monitored. Storing logs locally on hosts is really not recommended.
  • Remember that logs on a compromised machine can never be trusted. See the next section for more on external log streaming.

Regular Review:

  • Regularly review and analyze logs to identify trends, spot potential threats, and ensure systems are operating as expected. The only way to feel in-touch with your security is by knowing what is normal and what isn't.
  • If you don't review your logs, how do you know they are being collected at all?

Retention Policy:

  • Have a clear retention policy to ensure logs are stored for a period that meets operational and compliance requirements.
  • Depending on what information you are storing within your logs, you may need to choose specialty storage options to be compliant.

Utilize Log Management Tools:

  • Employ log management tools to aggregate, correlate, and analyze log data. These tools help in automating the analysis and making sense of large volumes of log data.

Most Important Takeaway: External Logging is Vital

While logging is a crucial part of any security protocol, where these logs are stored and analyzed can significantly impact the integrity and effectiveness of security analyses. External log streaming, the practice of forwarding system and application logs from your environment to an external, centralized logging solution, emerges as a linchpin in ensuring trusted analysis. This article delves into why local logs on a compromised host can't be trusted and how external log streaming lays the foundation for reliable security analysis.

The Achilles Heel of Local Logs:

When a host is compromised, the integrity of everything on that host, including the logs, comes into question. Here’s why local logs may fall short:

Tampering and Deletion:

  • Attackers with access to a compromised host can alter or delete logs to cover their tracks, obfuscate their activities, and prolong their unauthorized access.

Unreliable State:

  • In a compromised state, the host can exhibit erratic behavior, and the logs generated might not accurately represent the system’s activities.

Insufficient Forensics:

  • Local logs might lack the comprehensive data needed for a thorough forensic analysis post-incident, especially if the attacker has manipulated the logs.

Obligatory photo of a laptop with a matrix-style background of scrolling text or codes.Photo by Markus Spiske / Unsplash

Strengthening Trust with External Log Streaming:

External log streaming fortifies the trustworthiness of log analysis in several ways:

Centralized Storage:

  • By streaming logs to a centralized external location, you’re ensuring that logs from various hosts are aggregated in a secure environment, far from the reach of attackers.
  • By centralizing storage locations for your logs, it simplifies the challenge of tracking log data and costs.

Real-time Analysis:

  • External log streaming facilitates real-time analysis of log data, enabling swift detection and response to security incidents.
  • Use caution with some cloud platforms that claim to offer real-time analysis but may allow delays of up to 30 minutes.
  • Real-time Analysis is best implemented with contractual or internal SLAs.

Immutable Records:

  • An external logging solution can provide immutability, ensuring that once logs are recorded, they cannot be altered or deleted, thus maintaining the integrity of the data.
  • Dual log streaming is the practice of immediately writing a 2nd copy of the log data to a secondary system, increasing the resiliency of the logging system.

Comprehensive Forensics:

  • With a complete and untampered record of logs, security teams can conduct a thorough forensic analysis to understand the scope, impact, and root cause of a security incident.
  • Without complete logs, security teams often have no choice but to pay for a ransom or reset everything and start rebuilding from scratch.

Compliance Assurance:

  • Many regulatory frameworks mandate the secure and centralized storage of logs. External log streaming aids in compliance with such regulations, showcasing a mature security posture.

Enhanced Security Posture:

  • The insights gleaned from trusted log analysis are instrumental in enhancing the security posture of an organization, helping to prevent future compromises.

The role of trustworthy log analysis in cybersecurity cannot be overstated. By adopting external log streaming, organizations take a giant leap towards ensuring the integrity and reliability of their log data, which is instrumental in conducting precise security analyses. In the battle against cyber threats, having a trustworthy and comprehensive log analysis framework is not just an advantage; it’s a necessity.

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